Entry #21.2: Walls of different kinds

Walls of different kinds
Student A: Di Grazia Camila
Student B: Rodriguez Giselle
Student A:
After watching the videos and reading the texts, we can say that walls bring more negative consequences on societies than positive ones. One of these consequences is based on the failure to make people cross the boundaries of the country. Another unfavourable outcome include those refugees who try to cross the borders by sailing but they die trying it. Moreover, many communities feel excluded and discriminated because of these fences. Most of these excluded people are poor. For that reason, vulnerable societies keep out from opportunities to improve their life conditions because many privileges such as a good education are for rich people only who are on the other side of the wall. Therefore, the majority of them tend to be stuck in poverty the rest of their lives. All these consequences shows that walls are not the solution for crimes but they bring horrible effects.
Student B:
One of the things that real impacted me was the fact that how easily barriers can be illegally crossed in some countries. According to this, we can analyse different videos in which the efficiency of walls is questioned. One of them has shown how Palestinians have climbed over a section of Israel's separation walls to enter Jerusalem. In a similar case, a portion of the United State `security` fence has been raised to smuggle drugs. In this way, these videos reinforce the fact that walls are not completely effective because of they do not stop illegal crossing. Therefore, it leads me think that the construction of walls does not benefit communities and nations but rather political leathers. Hence, the main objective of protecting people is not carry out because the barriers are clearly violated.
Student A:
There are many facts that really shocked me while reading. For example, I ignore the existence of 65 walls around the world, they are too many. It surprises me because it seems that walls are not as effective as politicians say so I could not fully understand the real reasons of wall-building. Personally, I consider that walls are perhaps necessary for politicians interests rather than communities care. Furthermore, there are some videos which impact me most. In these videos, coffins are lifted from a ship carrying bodies of migrants after boat capsize. Another video shows how surfers rescue dad and children after boat capsizes. In relations to this, more than 40.000 people have died trying to migrate, it is something miserable. At the same time, the idea of children in danger or dying is really heart-rending because they are innocent people who do not understand about adults atrocities. Although these facts shocked me, It is necessary to know it so we can take action and not believe in politicians lies.
Student B:
Certainly I have heard about these barriers but I was not aware of the amount of them. Therefore, It astounded me a lot to know the number of walls that have been built throughout the history. More than sixty countries have erected fences in order to keep out criminals, illegal drugs and migrant crisis among others. Unfortunately, it is a number that will continue to increase because of countries keep on building walls even if they are not very effective. For that reason, many people try to stop this horrible division. A division that is not only physically but also morally. In this way, these wall building provide protest, violence and in the worst case, death. Thus, I consider it is very difficult that in the future walls going to be pulled down. There would have to be a definite change to truly benefit the communities.
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