Although HEDGES and BOOSTERS can be used in the same academic writing piece of work, both refer to two different ways of claiming. On one hand, hedges are vocabulary items (verbs, adjectives, adverbs) which avoid commiting the absolute truth of a claim. On the other hand, boosters are the opposite of hedgers bacause they are vocabulary items (verbs, adejctives, adverbs) which strenghthen a claim. Because of this main difference, our tone as writers would change in relation to our position from other reasearchers. The idea of this entry is to understand what HEDGING and BOOSTING are as well as the importance of using them in our academic writing. For that reason, let's start with some examples: Video 1: HEDGING CATEGORICAL CLAIM 'HEDGED' CLAIM The issues highlighted in this study are applicable to all participants institutions . The highlighted in this study may be applicable to many participants institutions. ...
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